Conflicted Lizard People

Here is a shot I took in Chicago at The Adler Planetarium,  This is one of the sculptures from the art installation called Zodiac Heads from artist Ai Weiwei to learn more about him check him out here |

Love these pieces! I have another shot coming that shows more of the installation. 

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Faces Of Madness

Going through some of my un-edited photos and I found this one. As you walk around you find more art installations scattered everywhere.  I love this creepy feel of this place as the sun goes down and the other detail that not a soul was around during this shot. Even better!

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Dragon Fire

Earlier this year while wandering around Vegas, I found this 22-foot long dragon.  One of my favorite parts of Vegas is wandering around and finding all the new art installations that are scattered around town. I originally thought that 2018 was the year of the dragon, turns out it's the year of the dog. They probably just think it looks cool, I would agree. 

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Mr. Miyagi's Garden

I just finished Cobra Kai on YoutubeRed. You really need to see this show If you were any bit a fan of these first three movies you owe it to yourself. I approve!!

When I started looking at this photo I could help thinking of the Bonsai Tree on the back of the Miyagi Karate Gi. I took this one at the Japanese Garden at The Chicago Botanic Garden, I love this place during this time of year. #sandthefloor #paintthefence 

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Down The Wormhole

This is a shot of a stained glass dome at The Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. I loved editing this photo, there are so many possibilities as I moved things around. Every time I look back at this photo I find something new. The most interesting photos to look at and process are something that catches your eye and keeps you coming back! 

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